Peanut & Banana Smoothie

Challenge Accepted!

So, my youngest brother-in-law called me last night and presented me with a challenge. Here it is.  Upload a simple recipe with step by step directions, something simple enough that can be followed by anyone.  The challenge? It has to all be in french.

Ha!…I laughed and thought, this should be interesting, but fun.  Well, here goes it.

What you need:

1/2 Organic Frozen Banana

2 tbs. Crunchy Peanut Butter

2 tbs. Condensed Milk

1 Cup of Organic Milk (we use whole milk)

1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract

A small pinch of Nutmeg

A small pinch of Cinnamon

4-6 cubes of Ice

What to do:

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.  Pour in a fancy glass and enjoy. Garnish with crushed peanuts on top.This recipe can be adjusted to your liking.  You can add chocolate or you can use almond milk, etc. Whatever makes your tastebuds dance. You will love it either way.

**For the french translation, click on my “Essence” page above located next to “About Me.”

Protein and deliciousness all in one glass, who could ever forget a recipe like this!